Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This past week we have had about three-quarters inch of rain. Tis great for the gardens when Mother nature does the watering. As for her timing it could not have been better for gardeners such as myself, for the rain came during the night.

Our pond was ravaged during the night by some unknown predator, and thus we loss five Koi to the natural food chain. Since it is just part of nature's natural plan must accept and replace them.

In my gardens this year I have had to transplant many perennials that were into their third year, for they had multiplied. Given the right 'home' perennials thrive and multiply. So fellow gardeners relocate them or PASS the beauty on to others to plant in their gardens. This spring I shared some Monarda with a neighbor and it was a treat to see joy on her face.

Enjoy the summer blooms for weeks ahead!

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