Thursday, October 14, 2010

For the past few days my chipper has been quite busy creating leaf mulch. My woodland beds now have a 3 to four 4 inch covering of mulch. This should give the many perennials a nice bed to rest in over the winter, and later supply them with the organic material they thrive on.

I have also been creating compost piles with a mix of leaves, woody perennials, and sticks that my chipper has ground up for a healthy blend.

As I put my many garden beds to rest I look for perennials that need to be transplanted, and so
that they have room to multiply on and on the cycle continues.

Gardening has it's seasons and each bring pleasure in it's on right!!

Soon I will be planning the xmas lights on the arbors along with the 'winter paths' thru the snow.
The lights accent the skeletons of the trees and shrubs that once provided shade and color.

Enjoy the Fall of 2010!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

This past week I have been putting many of our garden beds to rest. Clipping down the phlox and chipping it up with a mix of dried leaves for next years compost.

I also have been dividing and relocating perennials that needed more space or better location in the garden allowing for transition of height and season.

As I divide many perennials I share them with neighbors and friends as a gift, and thus they can live on in the lives of others.